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Twenty-six of the 55 awards AMP bestowed this year were first-place awards that moved on to the NFPW

National awards:


3rd: Savannah Bullard, WVUA 23 News, Wings Over Courtland

Page Design - Newspaper

2nd: Savannah Bullard , The Crimson White, Dance Alabama Culture Spread

Specialty Articles - Green/Environmental

HM: Solomon Crenshaw, Jr., SCJr Content Providers, Toxic: Life in the shadows of major pollution sources

Specialty Articles - Personal essay

1st: Meredith Cummings, SPJ Quill magazine, What I learned in my great American newsroom trip

Specialty Articles - Travel

1st: Meredith Cummings, Medium, I just drove 10,000 miles and visited dozens of newsrooms to chronicle journalism in America. Here’s what I learned.


3rd: Meredith Cummings, Medium, I just drove 10,000 miles and visited dozens of newsrooms to chronicle journalism in America. Here’s what I learned.

Social Media Presence - Nonprofit, Government, Educational

1st: Meredith Cummings and Savannah Bullard, Alabama Scholastic Press Association, Alabama Scholastic Press Association social media presence

Feature Story - Magazine, newsletter or other non-newspaper publication

2nd: Verna Gates, Birmingham Magazine, Fiercest Football Rivalries

Interview (Radio or Television)

2nd: Verna Gates, Birmingham Magazine, Dog Detection

Social Media Presence - Corporate or For Profit

HM: Lisa Hall, Bell Media LLC, Birmingham Minimally Invasive blog post

Specialty Articles - Arts and entertainment

3rd: Alec Harvey, Alabama NewsCenter, Alabama’s Patti Callahan Henry turns to historical fiction in new work about C.S. Lewis’ wife

Specialty Articles - Hobby, crafts, building, designing, construction

1st: Alec Harvey, Alabama NewsCenter, Alabama vintage airplane restorer enjoys taking it to new heights

Specialty Articles - Science or Technology

3rd: Olivia McMurrey, UAB School of Optometry annual report, Dealing with Dry Eye

State-level awards:

News Story - Online Publication

1st: Savannah Bullard, WVUA23, Alabama Journalism Classes Will Monitor Election Issues Tuesday

Continuing coverage or unfolding news

2nd: Savannah Bullard, WVUA23, Authorities, Community Respond to CBD Oil Crackdown; CBD Store Reopens in Northport

Feature Story - Magazine, newsletter or other non-newspaper publication

1st: Verna Gates, Birmingham Magazine, Fiercest Football Rivalries

Feature Story - Online Publication

1st: Alec Harvey, Alabama NewsCenter, A family’s quest: Col. Pete Stewart, shot down in Vietnam 52 years ago, finally coming home

2nd: Solomon Crenshaw, Jr., Birmingham barber Vincent Oliver lived a life a cut above

3rd: Savannah Bullard, WVUA23, Teen with Autism Granted Sports Dream through Nonprofit

Personality profile - More than 500 words

1st: Alec Harvey, Alabama NewsCenter, Former Miss Alabama sees daughters competing for Miss Alabama, Tony Award

Specialty Articles - Arts and entertainment

1st: Alec Harvey, Alabama NewsCenter, Specialty Articles - Arts and entertainment

2nd: Verna Gates, Birmingham Magazine Birmingham's Eclectic Beat

Specialty Articles - Education

1st: Solomon Crenshaw, Jr., A&M’s Vernon Moland Jr.: Handling business on and off the field

2nd: Olivia McMurrey, Helping hands

Specialty Articles - Food

1st: Alec Harvey, Alabama NewsCenter, David Bancroft, ‘Iron Chef’ winner and chef at Auburn’s Acre, plans second restaurant

Specialty Articles - Government or Politics

1st: Solomon Crenshaw, Jr., Jefferson County’s ‘Blue Wave:’ How the First Black Sheriff and District Attorney Won Election

Specialty Articles - Green/Environmental

1st: Solomon Crenshaw, Jr., Toxic: Life in the shadows of major pollution sources

2nd: Olivia McMurrey, First-World Problem?

3rd: Verna Gates, Birmingham Magazine, Ruffner Mountain seeks to protect native bat population

Specialty Articles - History

1st: Alec Harvey, This is Alabama, Only one person has been hit by a meteorite — and it happened in Oak Grove, Alabama

2nd: Verna Gates, Birmingham Magazine, Kiwanis Celebrates 100 Years, Builds New Trail at Vulcan

Specialty Articles - Hobby, crafts, building, designing, construction

1st: Alec Harvey, Alabama NewsCenter, Alabama vintage airplane restorer enjoys taking it to new heights

Specialty Articles - Personal essay

1st: Meredith Cummings, What I learned in my great American newsroom trip

Specialty Article - Physical health (fitness, diet, clean lifestyle)

1st: Olivia McMurrey, Hope for the Myopia Generation

Specialty Articles – Religion

1st: Savannah Bullard, WVUA23, Christian Business Owners Marry Faith with their Careers

Specialty Articles - Science or Technology

1st: Olivia McMurrey, Dealing with Dry Eye

Specialty Articles - Social Issues

1st: Olivia McMurrey, Taking it to Congress

Specialty Articles - Sports

1st: Verna Gates, Birmingham Magazine, Fiercest Football Rivalries

HM: Solomon Crenshaw, Jr., Miles College Coach Reginald Ruffin weathered storms, has heart of champion

Specialty Articles - Travel

1st: Meredith Cummings, I just drove 10,000 miles and visited dozens of newsrooms to chronicle journalism in America. Here’s what I learned.

2nd: Alec Harvey, Alabama NewsCenter, Fair winds and following seas: Alabama woman embarks on sailing adventure from Germany to Gulf Shores

3rd: Verna Gates, Birmingham Magazine, We're not in Kansas anymore ...

Photo essay

1st: Joseph De Sciose, A Not So Secret Garden


1st: Meredith Cummings, I just drove 10,000 miles and visited dozens of newsrooms to chronicle journalism in America. Here’s what I learned.


1st: Savannah Bullard, WVUA23, Wings Over Courtland

2nd: The Long Weekend summer camp promotional flyer/poster, Meredith Cummings and Savannah Bullard

Page Design - Newspaper

1st: Dance Alabama Culture Spread, The Crimson White, Savannah Bullard

2nd: AL Swimming Sports Spread, The Crimson White, Savannah Bullard

On-the-scene report (news, features or sports) - Radio

3rd: Donna Francavilla, Alberto bears down on Alabama

Prepared report (news, features, sports or opinion) - Radio

2nd: Donna Francavilla, Alabama Primary Elections

Special Programing - Radio

HM: Donna Francavilla, Civil Rights in Birmingham

Interview (Radio or Television)

1st: Verna Gates, Birmingham Magazine, Dog Detection

Website Edited/Managed by Entrant - Nonprofit, Government, Educational

3rd: Meredith Cummings and Savannah Bullard, Alabama Scholastic Press Association website

Website Edited/Managed by Entrant - Corporate or For Profit

1st: Tina Tidmore, Radiostics Website

2nd: Tina Tidmore, Shel-Clair Farms Website

Blogs - Corporate or For Profit

HM: Jared Jones, Bell Media, Pepper Johnstone blog post

Blogs - Personal

1st: Jane Falany, Our accessible Mediterranean vacation (Part 1)

2nd: Tina Tidmore, Lessons Learned about Death in America Blogpost

3rd: Tina Tidmore, Touch Downs Will Win the Game

Social Media Campaign - Nonprofit, Government, Educational

3rd: Meredith Cummings and Savannah Bullard

Personal Website

1st: Tina Tidmore, Tidmore Communications Website

2nd: Meredith Cummings personal website, Meredith Cummings and Savannah Bullard

3rd: Jane Newton Henry, author, Jane Falany

Social Media Presence - Nonprofit, Government, Educational

1st: Meredith Cummings and Savannah Bullard, Alabama Scholastic Press Association social media presence

Social Media Presence - Corporate or For Profit

1st: Lisa Hall, Bell Media LLC, Birmingham Minimally Invasive blog post

2nd: Tina Tidmore, ACE Plumbing Service Facebook Page

Electronic Newsletter - Nonprofit, Government, Educational

1st: Meredith Cummings and Savannah Bullard, Alabama Scholastic Press Association email newsletter

Faculty Adviser of Student Publication, Station or Site

1st: Johnny Stevens and Bill Rowan, Badger Television, Spring Hill College


We have meetings on the second Thursday in January, February, May, June, July, August, September, and November. During these meetings, we hear from renowned industry experts who provide helpful information and skills training. Monthly meetings also provide networking opportunities and encouragement from others in the communications field.


​AMP Members can attend monthly meetings for free. Non-members can attend for a fee of $5. In April, we have our annual Communications Contest Awards Banquet where our communications contest winners are announced, our Communicator of Achievement is recognized and new officers are installed.


​In October and March, we hold intensive professional-development workshops. In December we host a holiday party.

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