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Find a Freelancer Leads to AMP Member Getting a New Alabama Client for Writing Projects

Herb Patterson's profile on the Alabama Media Professionals' website says he's retired and an artist. But the skill that made an Alabama construction company hire him is writing, particularly Herb's experience in technical writing--or at least, not travel writing.

Herb has his professional profile on AMP's new Find a Freelancer section of the association's website and is helping the FAF team to spread the word about this resource.

The company did an online search for "freelance writer" and ended up at the AMP website. A Google search for "freelance writer in Alabama" pulls up the AMP website in position 5. Anything on the first page of results is good. Tina Tidmore, an AMP member who added SEO to her skill set a couple of years ago, is managing the AMP website and plans to implement more techniques to enhance the website ranking to draw more Alabama companies wanting to hire a communication professional.

This company that found Herb provides design and building solutions for highways, tall buildings, and arenas, Herb said. He'll be copy editing, wordsmithing, and writing to create interest. The articles will be appearing in a trade magazine, including the first one that is a cover story. Some of the writing product will be on the company website, and Herb said he may end up creating or editing their newsletter.


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