Ronda Robinson on avoiding the fear factor
Ronda Robinson was a career journalist, making a name for herself in Birmingham as a television reporter. But she, like others, ultimately took the leap, setting out to form her own company. At AMP's next meeting, to be held June 10 at noon, Ronda will speak about not letting fear hold you back from achieving your dreams, goals and more.
Ronda is a public speaker, digital marketer, communications coach and business consultant. She is the owner of Carmine Communications LLC, a public-relations, media-training and corporate-event-planning company. She is also the owner of an online show/podcast – Solutions – which introduces new businesses, organizations and nonprofits to the community and serves as a platform to discuss the challenges some owners face.
As director of communications for the Birmingham Jefferson County Transit Authority (BJCTA), Ronda was the BJCTA spokesperson and an advocate for better public transportation. This was familiar territory for Ronda as she is also known for her work as a consumer television reporter and anchor. She would investigate everyday issues for viewers who felt they had nowhere else to turn.
Ronda has accepted numerous awards from various community and service organizations. In 2001 and 2002, she received Associated Press Awards for her coverage of the Tom Blanton and Bob Cherry murder trials. Blanton and Cherry were convicted for their parts in the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing that killed four little girls in 1963. In 2005, the National Association of Black Journalists honored Ronda with the Best Investigative Reporting Award for her story exposing "Dirty Playgrounds" at area fast-food restaurants.
In 2014, Governor Robert Bentley presented Ronda with the “Excellence in Reporting” award for her coverage of conditions at Carver Cemetery and the treatment some customers faced. Lawmakers responded to the series of reports by taking action. In 2017, the Alabama House of Representatives passed a bill, HB34 sponsored by Rep. Juandalynn Givan (D-Birmingham). The bill established a cemetery board to oversee the numerous cemeteries in Jefferson County.
Before coming to a Birmingham television station in 2000, Ronda worked as both a reporter and anchor for television stations in North Carolina, Florida and South Carolina. Ronda is a very active volunteer in her community and a proud member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
