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AMP Supporting Businesses

AMP Supporting Businesses are corporations that are in the communications/media industry, provide services or products for professionals in that industry, or hire communications professionals and want to support AMP and its mission.


Our supporting businesses are, in effect, our sponsors. They have opportunities for advertising on our internal and public communication platforms. Additionally, one staff member from the corporation may attend our events at the membership rates. This includes free attendance at our regular membership meetings.

We offer two categories of AMP Supporting Businesses:

  • Supporting Businesses offering discounts - Offering product or service discounts to our members can increase the benefits of or reduce the cost of becoming an AMP Supporting Business.

  • Supporting Businesses not offering discounts – Some corporations support the AMP mission or work with or hire communications/media professionals but do not offer services or products used by these professionals. These corporations may also join as AMP Supporting Businesses and receive those benefits.

These corporations receive an “AMP Supporting Business” logo that can be placed in their promotional materials and online marketing platforms. (A review committee must approve the placement.)

Costs and advertising benefits are tailored to each AMP Supporting Business depending on the company’s needs and AMP member discounts offered by that business. After the terms are decided based on the particular offerings and needs of that corporation, a committee will review the application and notify of approval within a month.

Please contact our president if you have decided to become or have any questions about becoming an AMP Supporting Business.


We have meetings on the second Thursday in January, February, May, June, July, August, September, and November. During these meetings, we hear from renowned industry experts who provide helpful information and skills training. Monthly meetings also provide networking opportunities and encouragement from others in the communications field.


​AMP Members can attend monthly meetings for free. Non-members can attend for a fee of $5. In April, we have our annual Communications Contest Awards Banquet where our communications contest winners are announced, our Communicator of Achievement is recognized and new officers are installed.


​In October and March, we hold intensive professional-development workshops. In December we host a holiday party.

Want to be notified about our next event?

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