Tina Tidmore
Available for more freelance work.
Based in the Northeast Jefferson County and Springville areas.
Tina comes from a newspaper background, having owned, edited, and published a newspaper in Clay, Ala. for 7 years. Her clients benefit from her combination of digital and print marketing, particularly projects that combine design with text, e.g. websites. Additionally, she's recently expanded into SEO, graphic design, and video editing.
Three primary areas of expertise: Writing and Designing Websites, Website Search Engine Optimization, PR and Marketing Strategy.
Professional AMP and NFPW member since 2005
Contact through email or LinkedIn profile or phone 205-585-5311.
1st Place in the AMP Communications Contest and 1st Place in the NFPW National Communications Contest - PR Materials Division - Website Edited or Managed by Entrant - nonprofit, government, or educational
1st Place in the AMP Communications Contest and 2nd Place in the NFPW National Communications Contest - PR Materials Division - Brochures - corporate or for-profit
1st Place in the AMP Communications Contest and 2nd Place in the NFPW National Communications Contest - PR Materials Division - Newsletters - nonprofit, government, or educational
1st Place in the AMP Communications Contest and Honorable Mention in the NFPW National Communications Contest - Web and Social Media Division - Website Edited or Managed by Entrant - corporate or for-profit
1st Place in the AMP Communications Contest - Public Relations / Promotion / Publicity Division - Community Institutional, or Internal Relations
1st Place in the AMP Communications Contest and 3rd Place in the NFPW National Communications Contest - Web and Social Media Division - Website Edited or Managed by Entrant - for a nonprofit, educational or government purpose
1st Place in the AMP Communications Contest - Web and Social Media Division - Videos for a Website
1st Place in the AMP Communications Contest - Web and Social Media Division - Website Edited or Managed by Entrant - corporate or for-profit
3rd Place in the AMP Communications Contest - Web and Social Media Division - Website Edited or Managed by Entrant - corporate or for-profit
2nd Place in the AMP Communications Contest - Public Relations / Promotion / Publicity Division - Marketing Program or Campaign
2nd Place in the AMP Communications Contest - Public Relations Materials Division - Direct Mail Marketing
2nd Place in the AMP Communications Contest - Public Relations Materials Division - Brochure
1st Place in the AMP Communications Contest - Web and Social Media Division - Writing for the Web
1st Place in the AMP Communications Contest - Web and Social Media Division - Website Edited or Managed by Entrant - for a nonprofit, educational or government purpose
1st Place in the AMP Communications Contest - Writing Division - Feature Article - magazine, newsletter, or non-newspaper print publication
1st Place in the AMP Communications Contest - Writing Division - Special Series News Report
1st Place in the AMP Communications Contest - Web and Social Media Division - Website Edited or Managed by Entrant - for a nonprofit, educational or government purpose
1st Place in the AMP Communications Contest - Writing Division - Speeches
1st Place in the AMP Communications Contest - Writing Division - News Report - nondaily newspaper